
Données sur les dividendes

L’entreprise a déclaré et entend continuer à déclarer des dividendes trimestriels correspondant à son rendement financier dans l’ensemble ainsi qu’à la génération de flux de trésorerie. Les décisions relatives au paiement des dividendes sont prises trimestriellement par le conseil d’administration.

Historique de paiement de dividendes

Couverture des analystes

Benoit Poirier
Vice-président, Analyste
Valeurs mobilières Desjardins
1-514-281-8653[email protected]
Jim Byrne
Analyste des actions
Capital Acumen
1-403-571-0530[email protected]
Jesse Pytlak
Analyste de recherche sur les actions
Valeurs mobilières Cormark
1-416-943-4223[email protected]
Doug Taylor
Directeur général, Technologie et aérospatiale / Recherche sur les actions
Canaccord Genuity Corp.
1-416-867-6101[email protected]
Scott Fletcher
Analyste de recherche sur les actions
CIBC Marchés des capitaux
1-416-956-3229[email protected]
Paul Treiber
Analyste de recherche sur les actions
RBC Marchés des capitaux
1-416-842-7811[email protected]
Rob Goff
Ventum Marchés des Capitaux 
1-416-933-3351[email protected]

Principales considérations en matière d’investissement

  • Diversification des revenus
  • Solide bilan
  • Stratégie de fusion et d’acquisition réussie
  • Marges en expansion
  • Tendances positives sur les marchés finaux
  • Taux de conversion élevé du FTD
  • Carnet de commandes solide
  • Accent mis sur la croissance organique
  • Investissements croissants en R et D
  • Des liquidités suffisantes pour croître

Jennifer McCaughey,

Directrice, Relations avec les investisseurs

Foire aux questions

Siège social de Calian – Ottawa

770, Palladium Drive (4e étage),

Ottawa (Ontario) K2V 1C8


Agent de transferts – Odyssey Trust Company

Trader’s Bank Building 702, 67 Young Street,

Toronto (Ontario) M5E 1J8




Calian CARES™—Collaboration to Advance Resilience Excellence and Sustainability

$650K in corporate giving

In 2021, Calian embarked on formalizing our environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy. We recognize that ESG is more than a buzzword—truly embracing ESG is about embedding sustainability in everything we do.

Download ESG Report

Calian understands the impacts of climate change

By understanding our own carbon footprint and working daily to deliver innovative emergency planning, environmental and food safety solutions, we believe together we can create a more sustainable future.

Learn more

Collaboration is key to positive social impact

94% of employees believe Calian is a socially responsible company

We are committed to creating a more sustainable, resilient world by providing a safe, healthy and engaging environment for our people, and leveraging our core competencies to positively impact the communities we serve.

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We are committed to ethical business practices and transparent reporting

Our board values the trust our stakeholders place in us, which extends to the governance required to integrate ESG throughout our business.

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Calian aligns ESG priorities to the internationally recognized UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

45% women across global regular employee workforce

We have selected eight SDGs that align with our corporate mission, key solutions, environmental aspirations and our commitment to our people and the world at large.

Learn more